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Showing posts from May 10, 2020

A social anatomy of Covid-19 in India

A social anatomy of Covid-19 in India Two trends are clear when analysing the relationship between Covid-19 and social conditions. One, as similar to natural disasters, it has hit worse the socially marginal communities. Migrants, refugees, urban poor, and daily wagers notwithstanding, the most telling example in terms of actual loss of life is coming from the U.S.A. In Louisiana and Chicago, the death among the blacks is as high as 70 per cent. The existing medical conditions reflecting long-standing social depravity, access to health services, and the nature of jobs that put them to greater exposure are reportedly the reasons behind this. Another unsettling trend is consolidating on the other side of the globe. In India, the rise in accusing marginal, minority communities, particularly Muslims, alike the perpetrators of ‘original sin’, in spreading the virus either due to negligence or with alleged criminal intent is deeply troubling. At the same time, however, these examples ...